Dragon Team Dragon C FD

TEAM DRAGON – New Generation

After over a dozen years of market success of TEAM DRAGON reels it’s time for a change. The second generation of this series is a completely innovative project, prepared from its base at the request of the Dragon by one of the Japanese manufacturers. The most important assumptions to meet the new constructions are:
Production of all four models we commissioned a plant, which produced such well-known and reliable constructions as Ryobi Zauber. For all Team Dragon reels, we offer two types of spools: deeper, which is supplied with the reel spool and the shallower for braids, offered in a separate package.

• maximum rigidity of the body, providing solide seating of transmission components and preventing any unnecessary movement when operating at high load, both in the case of a metal and a graphite body;

• reinforced, machine cut, HEG class transmission gear, made of high quality alloy;

• axis of the spool shaft and the gear made of stainless steel;

• fully waterproofness of the drag system;

• corrosion protection through the tightness of the housing preventing getting inside of pollutants, including fine sea salt crystals;

• duraluminum spool and the rotors are made in the V-concept style;

• ball bearings made of stainless steel;

• titanium line rollers;

• handle cut in CNC technology with homogenous metal bar with a lightweight and highly rigid alloy.

Dragon Team Dragon C FD

• Composite body and rotor with increased stiffness

• 9 stainless steel ball bearings

• Infinitive Anti- Reverse roller bearing

• V-shape, duraluminium spool

• HEG-class main gear, machine-cut, ultralight and super-smooth rotation

• Titanium oversized line roller with anti-twist function

• Tubular superhard bail 

• Long-life bail spring

• Stainless steel main shaft and main gear shaft

• Duraluminium machine-cut handle

• Rotor Super Balance System 

• Multidisc front drag with micro adjustment

• Ergonomic handle knob, made of hard EVA.

• 2 year Warrenty

Szpula hybrydowaHybrid spool

Hamulec przedniFront drag

Wodoszczelny hamulec Waterproof drag system

Główna przekładnia klasy HEGHEG main gear

Wodzik poprawiający układanie żyłkiS-oscillation gear

Jednokierunkowe łożysko oporoweInfinitive Anti-Reverse

Wyważenie dynamiczne SBSDynamic balance SBS

Rurkowy kabłąk o supertwardej powierzchniHard tube bail wire

Ceramiczna rolka kabłąkaTitanium line roller

Szeroka rolka prowadząca redukująca skręcenieWide, anti-twist line roller

Spiralna sprężyna kabłąkaLong-life bail spring

Konstrukcja przekładni i korpusu typu SLIM BODYSlim body

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