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Zoom Horny Toad JUNEBUG



Zoom Horny Toad


4 inch

5 in Pack

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Zoom Horny Toad


4 inch 

5 in Pack

The Zoom Horny Toad is South Africa's GO TO TOAD BAIT!

The Zoom Horny Toad features two Ultra-Vibe legs that buzz and churn on the surface with a moderate retrieve.

Rig it weedless and and fish over grass and pads or rig as a jig trailer. The Ultra-Vibe legs give out plenty of fish attracting vibration in the water.

The belly of the Horny Toad is features a Hook Slot, allowing the point to push out further for positive hooksets.

Rig your HORNY TOAD Texas Style on a 5/0 Springlock hook, spool a FAST RETRIEVE Ratio Reel with 50 lb BRAID LINE matched to a 7'2 inch to 7'6 inch HEAVY ACTION Rod