Bite Science

Bite Science Soft Plastic lures are the brain child of accomplished fish biologist and behavioural scientist Professor Wu. He has used his knowledge to formulate a range of lures with the perfect blend of action, shape, colour and scent to induce the fish to take.

Bite Science Soft Plastic lures is the Mastermind of accomplished Fish Biologist and Scientist Professor Wu who has dedicated His Life to understand the Biomechanical, Visual, and Olfactory Triggers that entice prdatory Game Fish to Attack.

Bite Science Soft Plastics incorporate Professor Wu's perfect blend of of Max Action Formulas, Bio Tech Designs, Trigger Scents and XT Ultra Tough Plastics.

Bite Science is the Most Advanced and Effective Formula for Catching Predatory Game Fish.


SKU: 39750

Bite Science Rolling Swivels Size 14 33lb 10pc

SKU: 39749

Bite Science Rolling Swivels Size 12 51lb 10pc

SKU: 39748

Bite Science Rolling Swivels Size 10 70lb 10pc

SKU: 39747

Bite Science Rolling Swivels Size 8 95lb 10pc

SKU: 39746

Bite Science Rolling Swivels Size 6 103lb 10pc

SKU: 39745

Bite Science Rolling Swivels Size 4 132lb 10pc 

SKU: 330111

Bite Science Dirty Grub UV Bloodworm 2.5in

8 in Pack

SKU: 330110

Bite Science Dirty Grub Motoroil 2.5in

8 in Pack

SKU: 330178

Bite Science Dirty Grub Watermelon Red 2.5in

8 in Pack

SKU: 330122

Bite Science Kick Minnow 

UV Smelt


14 in Pack

SKU: 330123

Bite Science Kick Minnow



14 in Pack

SKU: 330112

Bite Science Dirty Grub Motor Oil 4in 

8 in Pack

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